Thursday, 27 June 2019

27 June, 1595 - the closure of the Rose

A student's lamentation, that hath
sometime been in London as an
apprentice, for the rebellious tumults
lately in the City happening, for
which five have suffered death on
Thursday the 24 of July last
Today, performances ceased at the Rose playhouse. We do not know why, but there is no evidence of a plague outbreak, so it seems more likely that the authorities may have been responding to the recent outbreaks of violence in London over the summer. While theatre might seem unrelated to riots over food prices, the authorities were wary of any kind of gathering of large crowds, and may have ordered the theatres closed as a precaution.

Cast out of their home, the Lord Admiral's Men had to return to their old habit of touring their plays around England instead. We do not know much about their activities during this time, but there are records of them performing in Maidstone and Bath until they return in August.

Henslowe's Diary ... as a Blog! will return on 25th August. See you then!



Theatre closure information


  • Carol Chillington Rutter, Documents of the Rose Playhouse (Manchester University Press, 1984), 92-3.



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