Friday, 15 February 2019

15 February, 1595 - Tasso's Melancholy

Here's what the Admiral's Men performed at the Rose playhouse on this day, 424 years ago...

Henslowe writes: ye 15 of febreary 1594 ... R at tasso ... xixs 

In modern English: 15th February, 1595 ... Received at Tasso ... 19 shillings

Tasso in the Madhouse
by Eugene Delacroix (1839)
Today, the Admiral's Men returned to Tasso's Melancholy, a lost play that dramatized the lovesick insanity of the Italian poet Torquato Tasso; you can read more about it in the entry for 13th August.

It has been three and a half weeks since the players last revived Tasso's Melancholy, and it has not drawn much of a crowd. Could this play be for the chop soon?

What's next?

There will be no blog entry tomorrow because 16th February was a Sunday in 1595 and the players did not perform. Henslowe's Diary ... as a Blog! will thus return on the 17th, for a week that will include a new play. See you then!

Henslowe links


Did I make a mistake? Do you have a question? Have you anything to add? Please post a comment below!

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